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5 Quick and Easy Kitchen Tips

Not many people love to cook, fortunately for me I do! There is nothing I love more than coming home from work and cooking up a big meal for my husband and I. However, I do get annoyed when little tasks seem to take a stupid amount of time. Over the years I've found these little short cuts really help save time in the kitchen.

1. Peeling ginger

As strange as this might sound, peel your ginger with a teaspoon. Trying to cut off all the skin with a knife is not only time consuming, but you lose so much of the ginger. With how expensive ginger is, this tip is a 'must try'!

2. Peeling garlic cloves

Super fresh garlic will always be difficult to peel. Try either rolling it in your hands or in a tea towel. Still not working? Try using your garlic a few days old. The skin will start lifting off the clove naturally.

3. Baking ingredients

Is your baking delivering inconsistent results or can you just not figure out why your cake isn't rising? Maybe it's the temperature of your ingredients. Always allow your cold ingredients like butter, eggs and milk to come to room temperature before using them in baking, unless the recipe calls for chilled ingredients.

4. Cooking pasta

Do not use oil in the water when boiling pasta. It will keep the sauce from sticking to the cooked pasta. Instead add a small amount of salt to the water.

5. Juicing citrus

To get the most juice from a lemon or lime, roll it on the bench top with a heavy hand a few times. This breaks all the vesicles inside and releases the juice.

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