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ROADTEST: Forest Organic Super Greens

What’s the big deal about ‘Super Greens’?

Whether it's the constant bombarding from advertising or from our parents we’ve heard this message for years now, ‘You’re not getting enough leafy greens everyday’. So, to compliment my ‘get fitter and stop being lazy’ plan I decided to go online and find myself a natural, organic, additive free greens supplement. With a little too much enthusiasm I found the perfect one; Forest Super Greens. It’s 100% natural, organic, no added colours, flavours, preservative or nasties. The best part is it’s 100% Australian. So without hesitation I whipped out my credit card and ordered a 500g bag (and raw cacoa... and maca powder... I couldn’t stop!).

Day 1

Being brave I decided to just go straight in the deep end by mixing the powder into a glass of water. They recommend mixing the Super Greens powder into your morning juice or blending it into a smoothie. In hindsight this would have been a great idea. Alas, I told myself I needed to get used to the taste. How was it you ask? Well imagine walking into a moist rain forest and licking the moss on the forest floor - delicious. It was mossy with a hint of ocean, slightly seaweed-y and rich in ‘green-like’ smells. Hopefully it gets more palatable as the days continue. On the bright side it went down well, meaning I didn’t feel ill afterwards and I did feel like I functioned better that day.

Note to self: Email the company and suggest a pill form... seems logical!

Day 2

After a suggestion from a friend I decided to mix my Super Greens in chilled water today, as oppose to room temperature tap water. I have to say it did make it slightly more palatable – I emphasise SLIGHTLY. It was still very aquatic in taste; however, this time it was a little more refreshing. I imagine this is how Nemo feels when he swims through his anemone every morning. Sea-like, green and refreshing.

Also, as a side note, I woke up with a very sore throat today... was this a side effect of the greens working out my toxins? Who knows, but it’s rather annoying. #notimpressed

Day 3

So I’ve been thinking slowly sipping sludgy, ocean grass water surely isn’t the most efficient way to consume my daily super greens. Today I decided that I will shot my super greens. Let’s just say I was wrong... so very wrong. That’s all I have to say today.

Day 4

After my very unfortunate error is judgement yesterday I decided to return to the ‘non-shot’ version of super greens and mix it in a whole bottle of water – about 500ml. I must say that after yesterday’s experience of slamming thick seaweed sludge, today’s green water was much more pleasant. To add to this I also woke up feeling fresh and well rested. Not sure if I would be noticing the effects of the Super Greens yet, but let’s just say it made me happier to drink my greens today.

Day 8 Ok, I’m going to be honest. I did stop drinking the super greens for 3 days... It was the weekend, and we went skiing and other excuses. Anyway back on the wagon today and I have to say it wasn’t as hard as when I first started. It was actually refreshing. What is happening to me?

Day 9

Once again, it’s 3:30pm and I’ve forgotten to drink my greens. I need to get back to drinking it in the morning. Now it’s 4pm and I’m sitting here looking at this foamy green liquid wishing it was anything else. I have started to notice more benefits. 10 people in my office have been off sick in 2 days and I’m not feeling any sign of the sickness. So maybe my immune system is winning at life!

Day 14

Having persevered for 14 days I have to say I’m proud of myself for sticking with something until the end. I usually get bored very quickly unless I see immediate results. I have loved the benefits I felt from having Super Greens every day. I felt fresh, well slept and full of energy every morning. BUT for me the taste just wasn’t worth it. I’m a big believer that something must be enjoyed. So rather than ditching it altogether I’ve decided to go out in search of an ‘easy to take’ version, perhaps a daily pill-like supplement. I will keep you updated - Watch this space!

FOREST SUPER FOODS: SUPER GREENS 500g Bag - click here for website

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