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Bean Review - Lonsdale St Roasters

Back into the study with the end of trimester essays and exams due in just a couple of weeks. This means the coffee needs to be flowing and it needs to be damn good! Thus, I reached for my favourite Lonsdale St beans! The team in Canberra have an array of beans and they are pretty much worth the time to try them all and figure out what suits you best.

For me, I can't go past their Johnny Cash blend. With the dark chocolate and spicy flavour, you can't go wrong, and it's perfect for milky coffee.

My top three picks from Lonsdale St Roasters would be.... 1. Johnny Cash - Dark chocolate & spice and all things nice! 2. Brazil - Honeycomb and cocoa with a floral finish.

3. Guatemala - Dark chocolate, spice and lemon zest flavours.

{Images Via - Lonsdale St Roasters}

Seriously, this is the best coffee, and worth the postage and patience in waiting for it to arrive! Now back to the study! xx

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