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Bean Review - Hansel & Gretel

As I poured the milk, the coffee formed a rich and thankfully dark caramel colour and that was when I knew I was in for a treat. The beans had arrived a few days ago from Hansel & Gretel and I was relishing in the fact that I once again had great coffee in my home. The prices were so fantastic at Hansel & Gretel that I couldn't help but order two types of beans, Columbian and Ethiopian.

Firstly the Ethiopian beans, they were more acidic than expected but without the bitterness of a strong coffee. Even before tasting the coffee a swirl of spicy aroma hit my nostrils. The coffee has a caramel and spicy flavour that is more unusual than your average coffee and thus putting it in my Top10 of favourite coffees. Great intensity to flavour, very mild aftertaste and definitely hit the spot for that morning wakeup call!

The Columbian beans were a bit more traditional. They had a rich malty taste without the spice of the Ethiopian beans. Great depth of flavour, however, I think my pick out of the two were the Ethiopian beans. I like a bit of tang and something different to the every day flavour. Definitely worth a visit, or even try their sample packs online!

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