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Salted Caramel Fudge

Once again I am posting a simple and sweet recipe - this time for Salted Caramel Fudge. I am definitely a lover of all things sweet!

Ingredients: 400 grams Caster Sugar

62 grams butter

1/4 cup Milk

1 tbsp golden syrup

1/2 tsp of Vanilla Bean Paste

1/2 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk

1 1/2 tsp of salt flakes

Baking tray, approx 20cm x 20cm in size lined with baking paper.

Method: 1. Place the sugar, milk, butter and golden syrup into a non-stick pot and bring to the boil. Stir constantly.

2. Take the mixture off the heat and hand whisk in the Vanilla and Condensed Milk.

3. Place the mixture back on the heat and simmer away until a golden caramel colour, whilst constantly stirring with the whisk. The time for the mixture to change colour can vary from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the heat and batch size. 4. Take off the heat, add the salt and place the mixture into a KitchenAid or similar to whisk the caramel goodness until it is smooth and thick. (Approx 2 minutes) 5. Pour the mixture onto the tray lined with baking paper. Score out the size of the pieces you desire and then place in the fridge to cool. Use some patience (I have basically none) and let the fudge set. If you don't score your fudge, never fear, a heated knife will cut through the fudge, no worries. Just place your knife under hot running water and wipe dry before cutting.

I hope you enjoy this lovely crumby salted caramel fudge xx

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