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Winter Warmer Hot Chocolates

Let me paint you a picture... It's a cold winter night. You're curled up on the couch with your favourite snuggle buddy or you're under your blanket reading a book. What's missing? A delicious hot chocolate to warm your body and sooth your soul!

Disclaimer - If you're looking for a healthy hot chocolate you've come to the wrong place - There is nothing 'diet' about these hot chocolates but we guarantee you won't regret a single sip!

So here's our top 5 Hot Chocolate recipes we just love:

1. Nutella Hot Chocolate

Add 2 heaped tablespoons of good quality drinking chocolate powder (not cocoa) and 250ml of full cream milk into a small saucepan on a medium heat. Once the milk is hot and the powder is dissolved add in a tablespoon of nutella - or more if you want it nuttier. Pour into a mug and top with more chocolate powder. YUM!

2. Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

Put 250ml of milk into a small saucepan with 50g finely chopped dark chocolate and 3 tablespoons of salted caramel sauce. Cook, stirring over medium heat, until chocolate is melted and you have a rich hot liquid to pour into a mug. If you want you could top with whipped cream and drizzling with more salted caramel sauce!

Recipe source: Click here

3. Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Start with 3/4 cup of milk, 1/4 cup of cream, 50g dark chocolate chips and 1 heaped tsp of sugar in a saucepan. Heat on medium until the chocolate and sugar is completely dissolved. Add 4-5 drops of peppermint essence or peppermint oil and stir through. Serve in a mug and top with marshmallows!

4. Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

Whisk together 250ml of milk, 2 heaped tbsp of drinking chocolate and 2-3 drops of vanilla extract in a saucepan on a medium heat until it's all combined and the milk is nice and hot! Add in 1 tablespoon of smooth peanut butter and stir through. Pour into your favourite mug and enjoy.

5. Naughty Hot Chocolate Affogato

This delicious recipe has 3 parts - Part 1 is your hot chocolate. Simply place 2 tbsp of drinking chocolate in 3/4 cup of boiling water and stir to combine. Part 2 is your alcohol (the naughty bit!). Pour 30ml of frangelico or cointreau into a small glass. Part 3 - put a large scoop of vanilla ice cream into a martini glass. Now that it looks amazing it's time to put it all together into the martini glass and indulge a little.

Which one is your favourite? Tell us in the comments box below!

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