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Are dogs the new kids for 20-something couples?

Dogs are man’s best friend, they have a ‘6th sense’, they can smell fear, and they have been by our side for around 40,000 years... but these days have dogs become more than companions?

But the real question is are dogs the new kids for 20-something couples? This may seem like a far fetched question so let’s lay down some evidence. A recent survey from the American Pet Products Association claims that 45% of dogs sleep in or on their owners bed! Over on our Aussie shore dogs are the most common pet with 40% of households owning a dog. Tasmania leads the way with 44% of households having furry canine friends. In comparison, only 35% of households have 1 or more children. So before we get statistic crazy let’s see if you show true fur-parent qualities. Do you relate to the following:

  1. You refer to yourself as mum and dad

  2. Going to the toilet is a ‘team-sport’. If this is you, you know what I mean!

  3. You have bought clothes for your dog, go on, admit it.

  4. On Instagram you have more pictures of your dog than anything else

  5. Your house is full of toys, but you don't have children yet.

  6. You celebrate your dogs birthday – with a cake and everything

  7. You think your dog is smarter than your friends kids – cause let’s be honest, they are!

If you had a giggle at a few of these because you know they are true, then you are definitely part of the new fur-parent trend. You may have even gone as far as to set up a whole instargram page or facebook profile exclusively for your furry friend.

So to wrap it up, I am a dog mum – as are our other 2 writers at Fox & Sage. We love them more than words, we refer to ourselves as mum and to our partners as dad, we buy them special treats and we miss them dearly when we are away from them. Be proud, you’re in fabulous company!

Fur-babies, they're so hot right now! Are you a fur parent too? Let us know below.

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