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I’m sure you’ve been wondering what the new ‘superfood’ to hit the shelf will be. Well look not further – the results are in!

Superfoods are known for having high content in vitamins and minerals and this definitely assists in our near obsession to get our hands on these trends. Let’s be honest, most of the time they are… well… disgusting. We just NEED to have them more so than actually enjoying them.

But to get back on track - gone are kale chips, bye bye blueberries, goodbye goji and say sayōnara to organic matcha tea. 2016 is set to bring us a whole new range of superfoods designed to blow our minds! Or so they would have you believe. I’m yet to be convinced... let’s get to the list!

Coming in 2016:

1. Teff

Yep you read that right. It’s not a fun new name for non-stick appliances, it’s a grain. In fact, it’s the smallest grain in the world and it hails from Ethiopia. Commonly used in flatbreads, it can be substituted into cakes, breads, pancakes etc. This little guy is packed in iron and calcium (vego’s get on board!) and will increase your energy. It’s also gluten free and high in fibre, will keep you fuller longer... blah blah blah. It’s good for you, eat it.

2. Birch Water

Basically it’s water from the birch tree. It is derived from the sap to be specific. It’s naturally sweet, low in calories and contains naturally occurring antioxidants, electrolytes, copper, potassium, zinc, calcium and happy feelings. I’m thinking it will become the new coconut water once it makes it to our fine shores over here in good old Aussie land.

3. Nigella Satvia

These tiny little things of awesome also known as ‘black seed’ or ‘nigella seeds’ are full of antioxidants and are quite high in protein. They have also been ear marked to overtake quinoa and chia in popularity. Some of the benefits include reducing blood sugar levels and they have anti-cancer and heart-protecting properties. In the same vein as chia, they can be added into breads, soups, curries and even sprinkled onto your salad. Would you make friends with this salad? Hmmm

Fun fact: Nigella Lawson makes reference to these trendy new seedlets several times in her new series ‘Simply Nigella’. I wonder why that might be. Maybe Nigella loves the natural high she gets from superfoods… too soon?

4. Lupin

Lupin is a legume similar to a bean. However, it’s best used in flour and flake form. It’s 45% protein and 30% dietary fibre as well as being a great way to battle blood pressure, high cholesterol and can even assist in weight loss. You can even use the flakes to crumb chicken or fish or make a falafel if you so desire. I’m sure the odd* paleo eater would try it in pancakes too! (*by odd I mean the occasional paleo subscriber, not that they are in fact odd. Ok maybe some are a little left of centre. Come on guys cupcakes are just so tasty! Don’t you miss it? Just a little... be honest now)

5. Bentonite Clay

Mmmmm saving the best for last? This delicious sounding food is made up of ash from volcanoes and come from the US, France and Italy. Sounds like a party on your tongue right? Well believe it or not, ancient civilisations used this rare ingredient for thousands of years as a detoxifying agent. It traps heavy metals, radiations, mycotoxins, bacteria, antigens, reduces inflammation and alkalises the body. How’s that for a powerful detox. BUT don’t run out and grab it just yet. Doctors stress to use caution with ingesting clay as there is not much evidence behind the claims presented.... oooooo. Maybe we could turn it into an extreme food-venture ‘volcano clay diving – only the toughest survive’ (ominous music plays in the background)

Anyway! Enough of that. Basically it’s a whole new world of superfood type stuff out there. Go try it, have a superfood party and see how many friends you have that are as trend happy as you. At the end of the day my rule is ‘everything in moderation’. I’m off to find some Birch water.

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